3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

One out of eleven couples has one partner with ADHD which can impact not only the individual, but also makes certain relationship dynamics more likely—and makes these couples more likely to show up in your office. Unfortunately, if the one partner’s ADHD isn’t addressed directly, the therapist will get stuck in the same traps as the partners do. We will begin with a more useful conceptualization of how ADHD impacts an individual’s abilities to meet daily demands. We will then discuss how this sets up the dynamics that commonly develop in these couples, so that you can help these clients break free of the disempowering tug of war and create a more balanced and satisfying relationship. This will include how ADHD impacts a couple’s sex life and how to make yet another area of discontent into a shared activity that adds energy to the relationship.

One partner’s ADHD can exacerbate the universal challenges that every couple needs to manage—how to negotiate different preferences and ways of doing things while still enjoying each other. Learning how to work more effectively with these couples will benefit your work with all or your couples and with individuals who are addressing relationship matters. Although grounded in theory and research, this presentation is all about strategies and interventions.


Disclosure Statement:

I would like to disclose that I am the author of several books that have been referenced in this workshop. If you have any questions or concerns about potential bias or conflicts of interest, please feel free to raise them during our discussions. Your understanding and participation are greatly appreciated.



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