3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

Mental health professionals, like the people they treat, can suffer from arbitrary, distorted, or maladaptive beliefs. These beliefs can be about themselves, their work, or the world around them. They can be based on past experiences, negative self-talk, or unrealistic expectations. These beliefs can lead to problems in effectively relating to clients and excessive countertransference. 

This workshop will address the clinical issues associated with some of the common distortions that can disable practitioners from functioning at their best to provide best-practice therapy. Attendees will gain insights into the application of CBT methodology to examine their own beliefs about themselves in their practice, and to challenge the validity of beliefs that may be irrational and disabling and thus affect the client's care. The presentation will also explore transference and countertransference from a psychoanalytic perspective as they apply to practitioners’ boundaries, competency, and self-disclosure. Strategies for minimizing these dynamics will be provided. This workshop will blend CBT and Psychoanalytic techniques so that practitioners can use them dynamically during sessions and in reflective practice.

By the end of the workshop, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify common cognitive distortions
  • Apply CBT techniques to challenge their own irrational beliefs
  • Understand the role of transference and countertransference in the therapeutic relationship
  • This workshop is designed for mental health professionals who want to improve their self-awareness and clinical skills.
  • It is also suitable for those who want to learn more about CBT and Psychoanalytic theory.

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