3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

Clients with impulsive and addictive behaviors often have trouble engaging in treatment, completing home-practice, and/or attending sessions regularly. As a result, treatment outcomes are often disappointing, and drop-out rates are high. To address these issues, Mindfulness and Modification Therapy (MMT; Wupperman, 2019) offers time- and cost-effective strategies for helping clients break free from dysregulated behavior. MMT integrates key elements from Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and other evidence-based approaches. Preliminary trials of MMT have shown decreases in alcohol use, drug use, binge eating, and verbal/physical aggression in both self-referred and court-referred clients. Case studies have shown decreases in trichotillomania, skin picking, compulsive shopping, and other dysregulated behaviors.  

MMT can be conducted as a stand-alone treatment or as a precursor to decease problem behaviors that might hinder additional therapy. In this workshop, participants will gain skills to: (1) conceptualize and address dysregulated behaviors in ways that improve engagement and decrease obstacles; (2) customize treatment for diverse clients; and (3) help clients begin moving toward lives that feel more fulfilling. Implementation will be demonstrated through case vignettes, experiential exercises, video presentations, and descriptions of procedures. Instructions for integrating strategies into existing treatments will be presented.

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