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Webinar Description

Early attachment experiences wire brain circuits, create core beliefs, and form the template for future relationships. Attachment trauma causes depression,anxiety, shame,antisocial behavior,and emotional dysregulation.

In this cutting-edge seminar,internationally renowned trauma and attachment expert,Terry M. Levy, Ph.D.,teaches you concepts and skills necessary to facilitate positive change with challenging clients with trauma and/or attachment wounds. You will learn effective assessment and therapeutic techniques for children, adults, couples and families,based on the latest research in neurobiology, trauma and attachment therapy,and resilience.


Terry M. Levy, Ph.D.,D.A.P.A., B.C.F.E., has been a psychotherapist,trainer, supervisor and consultant for over 40 years. Dr. Levy is the director of Evergreen Psychotherapy Center and the Attachment Treatment and Training Institute in Evergreen,Colorado. He is a licensed clinical psychologist in Colorado and Florida,a Board Certified Forensic Examiner and a Diplomate and Master Therapist of the American Psychotherapy Association. He is the co-author of the best-seller Attachment, Trauma & Healing (2"d edition, 2014, Jessica Kingsley Publisher,London),editor of Handbook of Attachment Interventions (2000, Elsevier Press) and co-author of Healing Parents: Helping Wounded Children Learn to Trust and Love (2006, Child Welfare League of America).

Dr. Levy was the founder and previous director of the Family Life Center (Florida) and the Miami Psychotherapy Institute, which offered family systems treatment and training. He was co-founder and past-president of the board of directors of the Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children (ATIACh), an international organization dedicated to attachment and its critical importance to human development. Dr. Levy is a clinicalmember of the American,Colorado,and Florida Psychological Associations,American and Colorado Associations of Marriage and Family Therapy, American Family Therapy Academy,and the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.

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